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THE Hamblet is the result of
inspiration from a magazine article. The original was a guest house
built on the rear of a property in an upscale Vancouver, BC
neighborhood. Attention was paid to every detail to achieve a striking
look. Huge quoins were made along the corners out of plaster and stucco
ran rampant. The design was L-shaped which we took as a
freebie challenge. The Hamblet is not about blatant copyright infringement, rather about trying something out for ourselves.
In a slight twist, we've added a diagonal element to the house. This is rare for us since we are
mildly attracted to 90 degree angles. This 45 degree turn gives a
little space and grandeur to the foyer. Coat pegs and a guest closet
ensure ample room for vestments. The secondary foyer opens to a dining
room, powder room, and the kitchen. The kitchen is rather a
multi-tasking affair with it's cooking, eating, and laundry facilities.
The dining room takes some of the under stair space with it's built in
buffet. The parlor maintains a sense of
loneliness austerity. We imagine wood paneling with dark stain.
Upstairs is a typical 3 bedrooms but only one bathroom. In 650sf
there's not much point in trying to squeeze in a second bathroom. You'd
just end up with annoying little rooms. We've made up for some of this
with ample closets in the bedrooms. At this point you may be wondering
about the 2x4 walls. I thought Istockhouseplans was trying to promote
energy efficiency!? Yes we are. Two things at work here. First since
the house is
small compact, we tried to gain as much interior
square footage as possible. Second, in creating the exterior aesthetic,
we figure this is best accomplished with
EIFS 2" of rigid foam and a stucco coat. The half-timbering can be 5/4 exterior trim tacked over the foam.
All plans include four elevations, floor plans, foundation plans, at least two building sections, framing plans for the second floor and/or roof, and notes and construction details. This is everything you will need to build, but may not be everything you need to get a permit. Check with your local jurisdiction. Electrical layouts, cabinet elevations and engineering are not included.